Another placed up in Suir Crescent

Another sign erected in Suir Crescent to acknowledge the assistance received through the Sports Capital Grant program.

Our LED Floodlighting of training areas would not have been possible without this grant of €58,806. A big thank you must go to everyone that helped secure the grant and oversee the project.

Also, thanks to the young man on the spirit level who helped put the sign in place.

Another funding win

Some good news landed yesterday just in time for Christmas.

Following a recent grant application to Kilkenny County Council under the CCFCS for Spectator Railing around the pitches, we are delighted to share the news that we have received a grant of €10,000 towards the project which will add another important piece of infrastructure to the grounds. Big thank you to all involved in the application.

New delivery, kind donation

This morning we took delivery of an important piece of match day equipment at our new grounds in Suir Crescent.

Courtesy of a donation from a very kind local businessman (who wishes to remain anonymous), Croom Concrete delivered two precast concrete dugouts which will be a massive on matchday for our subs and coaches for both home and away teams.

Unfortunately, the soft ground conditions will delay their final resting spot for now.

Huge thanks for the kind donation 👏👏👏👏.

Let there be light and lots of it

This week saw the final leg of the installation of LED floodlighting in Suir Crescent and it is certainly impressive.

Big big thanks to all for their work on this project from Watmór Construction and Civil Ltd, Paul O’Toole and Piltown Engineering and finally John Ryan with Germar Electrical for the final push. Projects like these don’t come cheap and it would not have been possible without The 300 Club Syndicate.

Everyone can play their part going forward and support our Ladies Committee who run our 50 50 draw which contributes towards the maintenance costs of the club.

Click on the link to enter today’s draw and be in with a chance of winning 💶💶💶💶💶

Last Man Standing Update

As of 9.30, we have over 170 entries ready to scoop €1000.

The following teams have been chosen by people:

Man City
Man Utd
West Ham
Aston Villa

We will finalise how many lumped on all teams tomorrow morning. Please share this post and help get us to 200 entries.