Last Man Standing Update

12 entrants left standing coming into week 4 and Everton losing along with Arsenal doing their usual has left us with 9 entries left standing as we head to week 5. With the so called big guns used up we could have a winner very shortly.

LMS Update: More fallers

Who’d have thought we would get another shocker of a day in the premier league again. 28 left standing at 12 noon today but Man Utd done their usual and messed up, they were followed by the not so mighty Chelsea slipping up. 16 fallers today leaves just 12 left standing after 3 weeks.

Last Man Standing competition

110 entries for our Last Man Standing competition which kicked off today. 11 fallers thanks to Newcastle and Aston Villa getting beaten. A few run the risk of getting knocked out tomorrow.
Big thanks to all who entered. Your support is very much appreciated.

Mooncoin Celtic AFC Soccerthon event

The club’s fundraiser this year (June 29th) is a 10-hour soccer marathon involving all the teams in the club. A novelty match in the final hour and Player of the Year Awards at 8 p.m.

Sponsorship cards will be given out in the next week to all players and we are hoping to have fun filled day with refreshments available also.