Second February 50-50 Winner

The Mooncoin Celtic Schoolgirls and Schoolboys 50/50 draw was held this week and the winner is:

Catherine Blackmore

Catherine won €329

Next draw is 6th March at 6:00pm.

Entry  envelopes are available in all the following businesses :

Blanchfields Centra, Mooncoin Costcutter, Crokes Shop, Comerfords Bar, Royal Oak, Bubbles and Bows, Mondo’s Takeaway 

Thank you all for the continued support.

€58,000+ Sports Capital Grant secured by Mooncoin Celtic

The Minister for Sport Catherine Martin and Minister of State for Sport Jack Chambers today announced details of the largest sports capital grant in the history of the State. Mooncoin Celtic secured €58,806 towards pitch development & equipment for its new pitches in Suir Crescent.

This will enable to club to install led floodlights at Suir Crescent thereby enabling all of its squads to train there over the winter months. It will also provide for dugouts and additional storage facilities, which are very much needed.

The ongoing development of Suir Crescent has been made possible by grants such as this and the support of all of our investors in the 300 Club. A huge thank you goes to everyone who played a part, big or small, in this funding application and in all our other fundraising initiatives.

The future for Mooncoin Celtic is very bright thanks to our players, parents, club officers, committee members and everyone who supports the club in any way. Great progress is being made on and off the pitch.

Best of luck Mooncoin to All Ireland glory

All involved with Mooncoin Celtic wish the very best of luck to Mooncoin Junior Hurlers tomorrow in their quest for glory in the All Ireland Junior Hurling Championship Final in Croke Park.

Our own 1B players Ethan Ryan, Ryan Carroll, Lee Treacy and Adam Croke along with 3rd division players Sean Walsh, Stephen Wall and Niall Madden are all members of the panel and the majority of tomorrow’s junior panel have played for the club in recent times but tomorrow its about the small ball up in Croke Park. Fingers crossed this group of men can do themselves, their families and the people of Mooncoin proud and finish off a great campaign.