50-50 Draw Winner for late January 2023

The Mooncoin Celtic Schoolgirls and Schoolboys 50/50 draw was held this Sunday and the winner is:

U11 player Jonathan Rowe

Jonathan won 220.

Congratulations to Jonathan.

Next draw is 12th of February 6:00pm.

Entry  envelopes are available in all the following businesses :

Blanchfields Centra, Mooncoin Costcutter, Crokes Shop, Comerfords Bar, Royal Oak, Bubbles and Bows, Mondo’s Takeaway 

Thank you all for the continued support.

Winner of the bumper Christmas 50-50 Draw is

The bumper Christmas special Mooncoin Celtic Schoolgirls and Schoolboys 50/50 draw was held this Sunday and the winner is:

Sean O’Donoghue

Sean won €500

There was a special €100 prize which was won by Mark Tyler.

Next draw is in 2023.

Thanks to the following businesses for support in 2022:

Blanchfields Centra, Mooncoin Costcutter, Crokes Shop, Comerfords Bar, Royal Oak, Bubbles and Bows, Mondo’s Takeaway 

Thank you all for the continued support.

50-50 DRAW WINNER FOR Early November DRAW IS

The Mooncoin Celtic Schoolgirls and Schoolboys 50/50 draw was held this Sunday and the winner is:

Liam ‘Giz’ O’Brien

Liam won 183

Next draw is 20th of November at 6:00pm.

Entry  envelopes are available in all the following businesses :

Blanchfields Centra, Mooncoin Costcutter, Crokes Shop, Comerfords Bar, Royal Oak, Bubbles and Bows, Mondo’s Takeaway 

Thank you all for the continued support.